This story did with my friend Carlos Arturo "Caco" blog http://krgama.blogspot.com/ hope you have fun reading it as much as we write, I invite Caco especially to visit your blog because as well as find beautiful stories will also have the opportunity to meet this Venezuelan so affectionate and intelligent.
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"Look what you've done Carmela I knew I should not let you drive!
"No big deal Dante is just a scratch, as well as the car is rented must have insurance because, you see, you worry about anything.
- I sure would take me with you next! Look you've given women the Pyramid, gee, now we will sue the Moors for spoiling their monuments!, Up prisoners go, God forbid that in separate cells, that would be my only motivation. Y think that I wanted to get on a camel but no, you wanted to drive a jeep to Indiana Jones!
"Stop grumbling like an old Dante, if only fell a block that is not so bad, we can say that one was damaged, if these pyramids are older than your mother!
- go down to see if the two can fit the block off. If the slaves could do us well.
- Dante, do not think me work like a slave right? Since my mother told me not suit me, look at this desert sun, will kill in seconds if we make efforts.
- If I survived 20 years I assure you the sun will not kill me
Lowering Dante not only found debris, also came across a manuscript that would change history forever.
- Women's watch this thing I've found
- find Dante, we find.
-ok, find Carmela, is too old, what will?
"Surely some nonsense of the ancient Egyptians, were always painting weird stuff.
Carmela, I'm amazed your appreciation of ancient history. I will raise it. Dante
lifted the ancient manuscript and gave that account was not Egyptian origin, the material seemed a starched fabric so hard. He started to see the vastly differing characters of hieroglyphics. To his surprise he understood the message embodied in that document. While Carmela took refuge from the sun as might a few feet away.
- Carmela, Carmela! Come see it, understand it as if I had written. Quaff, so you see what it says. "There'll
! Holy Mother! What dirty trick is this thing?, That should be cursed.
Carmela I do not know, it is strange that we can understand so easily. In my life seen anything like that. "We can declare
rich and famous Dante, this trip could not be better, of course, removing the sun, sand, shock and heat.
-Stop your hallucinations Carmela, have you thought about the impact it will have that document in the world?
- What do you know how true is this or not?
-Easy, you and I have been able to decipher without problems, we have seen what he says.
The document had broken some of the origins of humanity that no one knew, Carmela and Dante had found a puzzle piece with a past that was confused about the origins of men and women. Continued ...
Carlos Arthur and Noel