Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Make A Baby Cough Out Mucus

first night of Monster Truck

fracture of tibia and fibula of the steering wheel in the game for Paraguay Copa Sudamericana 2010 which Deportes Tolima of Colombia beat Bolivia's The Strongest 2x0, despite being three feet of the play, the referee's commitment Juan Soto only showed the yellow card the player Jhon Hurtado.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Which Holes Should I Use On My Snowboard?

GUABIRA Bolivia vs Bolivar - 07/ago / 2010

gameday Unfortunately our server crashed and some still are not used to using the blog is created precisely for such emergencies.

For everyone who wrote me, here are the whole game and all I apologize for what happened the day of the meeting. First Time

Second Time

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Applebees Vinegarette

We have problems with the server I pass the lin videobolivia.com where will the game live.

http://espanix.blogspot.com/2010/09/oriente-petrolero-vs-deportes-tolima.html Good