Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Invitation Templates Star

Congregation That heat comes

A hard disk full echo and his lyrics are q extremely poetic and accompanied by members of the JAIVAS and AMERINDIANS , a work entirely progressive and q show some rhythms from jazz to psychedelic to me is an honor to post this album. One of my favorites is - Narrow your brother, well not q but recommended more to this album. Eye q
not want to target music piracy but q is required to listen

Narrow your brother (Recommended)
2 3 Minds
Afterglow love pregnant
4 Synthesis of existence 5 The sweet espititu
of loneliness - Ama brother's death so many plots

6 7 8 Caught
Ecliptica thought Fantastico

9 10 11 Things that happen
many who do not have and deserve
12 Mengano
13 and return to your room

Alejandro Rodriguez - vocals, 6 and 18 string guitar and harmonica
Antonio Smith - vocals, backing vocals, guitar Raglio, plectrofono, Baltazar
megaphone Villaseca - vocals, percussion and guitarraCarlos Vittini - vocals, flute, maracas and
tambourine Pradas Alberto - vocals, electric bass and guitar

Eduardo (crabs) - piano 8 / 11
Gabriel (crabs) - trutuca 11
Johan - vocals
Richy - low address in 1 / 2 / 3 / 6
Grumpy - cello 1 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 7 / 10
Gino - cello 7 / 8 / 9 / 11
July (Native Americans) - chorus

stick him:


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