never forget the summers when we left the city and went with dad to the field of olive trees, afternoon siestas or those engaged in the greatest mischief with my friends, we were a trio inseparable and sometimes a quartet when joined Jasmin concealed from her parents rarely let her get together with kids who were not of their religion, to be exact none in our group worship the same god, Judith waiting for the Messiah, Peter did not believe in anything because his parents were hippies, Jasmine prayed towards Mecca and I learned the Creed, us little we care about these beliefs, what united us in the nap were the adventures we lived and that afternoon shocked the people of La Virgen del Valle. Had long without rain and a strange plague affecting the olive groves, Pancha an old healer who healed vicar behind the fields, maintained that HUILA a kind of giant snake was retaliating because the man had killed their food from field rats and that the only way to end this demon was sought in the stream of holy water and throw Grimoldi, needless to say that that was our mission that afternoon, armed with our charms ranging from my teddy bear my mother's last gift to silver coins with Jasmine gave a kind of roll with sacred words, Peter marbles bringing luck and a blue ribbon as Judith was magical, say that the only thing missing was the holy water, that was an issue to resolve because the church was closed at this time is that nobody would think of going to pray in full sun and with a temperature of 47 ° C only us immune beings and endowed with supernatural strength could go out, the idea was that Pedro climb onto a small balcony and entered the church, fill a bottle with holy water and return to us, the problem was that Pedrito weighed more than a barrel of olives and between the three would have to hold to climb, the fat was our sex-symbol object of our passions and chaste kisses behind the olive, the poor had no character and did what we always said Three attempts to get Pedrucho cost us in the church and as expected came back with the full bottle, we went on our bikes heading to the stream to cope with the Huila, Pancha applaud as he did to get that out but we did not see it, we thought maybe we were on the wrong side, not to walk about 500 meters decided to jump across the creek, it seemed that the distance to the other side was low and taking career circumvented, first I was, I liked to jump without problems and got my shoes wet, Judith followed me Pedrucho was third but his marbles brought him no luck, he fell in the exact middle of the stream in a bellyful spectacular, so much noise Huila upset he decided to appear at that time floating toward the big waters of our love, we cry dams hysteria, froze Jasmine the other side and we ran to the shed blame the laborers for help, two men came in the midst of tears we tell the fate of our Pedrito, in a few moments together a game that armed his way to the scene, all awoke from a nap just missing the news, Jasmine's father grabbed his head in the middle of prayers in another language, my father looked at me with promises of hell on earth, only Judith's mother embraced us by way of consolation, to reach destination image was from another world, the bikes were in the stream crushing the Huila, the fat soaked to the bone was sitting next to Jaz, had been killed the demon sacrificing bikes, ended the curse or almost because what we thought was a calf Huila drowned, but I swear it rained all the next day, something had served our trip, but learned that happiness is not complete in this life because Our parents separated us preventing our friendship, Huila had retaliated. Noelia
a nap Saints by Noelia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Argentina License .
Based on a work at noeliapensando.blogspot.com .
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