Marzceneak, real every 7 years
Marzceneak History tells us that every 7 years appears to be 20 souls that choose carefully because no errors are allowed, the story that never takes no pure souls to those who have no salvation, however your choice is based only on those who have everything to be happy and do not dare to be, because for the pure and perfect that God and the Devil the impure for the other, for him and this intermediate is Marzceneak seventh year and has made his list ...
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Marcela expected before the computer was about to start the chat with his dear virtual friends, "The Night" as they called themselves, took with them almost 4 years, thoroughly knew their lives Dario their preferred working in a very prestigious newspaper of Mexico, the sports section, was 27 years and as always said, was a frustrated athlete who hated to be confined within four walls, in an office with the smell of snuff, but life and the famous destiny had led him to that place, he was alone, all alone, except for their virtual friends and colleagues there was no one in his life, Marcela always wondered how someone as caring and capable, life was so held, then there was Deborah's Joker a small group of 17 full Chilean energy, which bombarded with messages to all mails sent as funny as her, but Deby also had its problems had trouble making friends with people their age, too intuitive and insightful in its congeners caused like fleeing to safety from their successful deductions, everyone always advised him to shut his mouth thing that never move, a shame because she thought Marc was a bit of sun coming to life Night to fill the heat. Another member, the famous Diablesa Zuri, was lust in person, a walking encyclopedia of sex, owner of the Ecuadorian acid humor surprised everyone with his comments, there was hardly anything in this world that had not tested and to have only 25 years he was leading the group in this field, Zuri's dream was to find a good man and have children but their search is always carried in opposite direction, Marcela fantasized about joining the She-Devil with Dario, would be one partner, smiled at the thought. The last friend was his pet Ariel English for 30 years, the gothic gay as he was called The Night, full of pearcings, sensitive and beautiful, had the gift of uniting the group, never to a comment that might hurt, like to talk about their projects as well as listen to others, always intervened to bring calm when Darius Diablesa and engaged themselves in his famous literary discussions, Ariel wanted to transform his old house inherited from his parents at an art gallery and fashion, of course projects that had never to fruition and not for lack of money as it owned a respectable fortune, the problem with Ariel was in total inaction, always tried to push it all or rather throw it right to realize their wish, but so far without success. Marcela could say who had the gift of communication with friends lots of both tangible and virtual, 44 years divorced with two teenage children, worked at the stock exchange in New York, was conducting his home with the Swiss clockwork, occupied every hour of the day, leaving only one chat room for an activity that was not deprived ever because of the other, rather to live for herself that nothing. The time had
Marcela was happy come the first call, always on time course Ariel. Marcela
"Hi handsome prince Ariel
- My Queen never left alone and as m always on time! Marcela
- Customs of Old
Ariel - No way, you are beautiful as spring and always current! Marcela
- Keep it up and ask you in marriage, would be able to try again! Ariel
- q for you know would make an exception
Darius - Let's see Ariel when tastes changed ???????? Arie
l-Athlete Welcome! Q And you know I have not changed only by make and would do if you're interested ... ....... Darius
- Ariel
jajajajajaja - It's a yes?? Zuri Diablesa
- q What I was missing and formed a trio?? Marcela
- Zuri do not play the lusty novel! Where have you been these days? Zuri Diablesa
- mhhhhh in a bondage club of course! Darius
- framework for questions q! Q may be doing our devil, embroidering?? Ariel
- there's always hope
Diablesa Zuri - q you have forgotten S: E: X: O: gives no right to censor
Darius - Well Zuri we have not forgotten you rather remember him for us three
DEBY - FOUR WAVE MEAN I'M Akiiiiiiiiiii
Marcela was happy come the first call, always on time course Ariel. Marcela
"Hi handsome prince Ariel
- My Queen never left alone and as m always on time! Marcela
- Customs of Old
Ariel - No way, you are beautiful as spring and always current! Marcela
- Keep it up and ask you in marriage, would be able to try again! Ariel
- q for you know would make an exception
Darius - Let's see Ariel when tastes changed ???????? Arie
l-Athlete Welcome! Q And you know I have not changed only by make and would do if you're interested ... ....... Darius
- Ariel
jajajajajaja - It's a yes?? Zuri Diablesa
- q What I was missing and formed a trio?? Marcela
- Zuri do not play the lusty novel! Where have you been these days? Zuri Diablesa
- mhhhhh in a bondage club of course! Darius
- framework for questions q! Q may be doing our devil, embroidering?? Ariel
- there's always hope
Diablesa Zuri - q you have forgotten S: E: X: O: gives no right to censor
Darius - Well Zuri we have not forgotten you rather remember him for us three
DEBY - FOUR WAVE MEAN I'M Akiiiiiiiiiii
Ariel - get our pekeña to change the subject!
DEBY - I always miss the best! Olaaaa the RKM to todosss! Ariel
- We also peke
Diablesa Zuri - Ariel Pakat q porq change the subject and this grown-up girls at her age I pa q te good story! Marcela
¬ - No more devil! Zuri Diablesa
- I speak the mother Marcela
- Well, what am
q- Ariel girls have peace
Darius - I have something to tell will surprise
Zuri Diablesa - I doubt Darius
- Pecora is not imagine
q Zuri- Diablesa q look my imagination I can surprise you
Ariel - Zury you can leave love to talk q I am interested
Diablesa Zuri - not saying anything new ariel
Marcela - Do not listen daru account'm all ears
q Darius - I have a job again !!!!! Ariel
- I moriiiiiiiiiii
Darius - because it is in a country club rugby coach Ariel
- with all those muscular ahoara
siiiiiiiiii m moriiiiiiiiii Marcela - Darioooooooo congratulate you love me very happy
Diablesa Zuri - I'm crying
Ariel - And I
eyes out Deby - q bombazooo dary
Darius - I knew they were going to cheer qc q I am also not go into my salary is better q the q had almost can not believe it even
DEBY - When start ?????? Darius
- That's the thing I have q move and good for a few days to see the facilities q I will not be able to chat
Marcela - Lovely Bones t going to miss a lot but if you know X "q we will wait to hear from you
Darius - expected no less
Ariel - As you can t connect and tell us all todito
Darius - of course they know friends and family are my
DEBY - toy t and sending mail greetings
DEBY - I always miss the best! Olaaaa the RKM to todosss! Ariel
- We also peke
Diablesa Zuri - Ariel Pakat q porq change the subject and this grown-up girls at her age I pa q te good story! Marcela
¬ - No more devil! Zuri Diablesa
- I speak the mother Marcela
- Well, what am
q- Ariel girls have peace
Darius - I have something to tell will surprise
Zuri Diablesa - I doubt Darius
- Pecora is not imagine
q Zuri- Diablesa q look my imagination I can surprise you
Ariel - Zury you can leave love to talk q I am interested
Diablesa Zuri - not saying anything new ariel
Marcela - Do not listen daru account'm all ears
q Darius - I have a job again !!!!! Ariel
- I moriiiiiiiiiii
Darius - because it is in a country club rugby coach Ariel
- with all those muscular ahoara
siiiiiiiiii m moriiiiiiiiii Marcela - Darioooooooo congratulate you love me very happy
Diablesa Zuri - I'm crying
Ariel - And I
eyes out Deby - q bombazooo dary
Darius - I knew they were going to cheer qc q I am also not go into my salary is better q the q had almost can not believe it even
DEBY - When start ?????? Darius
- That's the thing I have q move and good for a few days to see the facilities q I will not be able to chat
Marcela - Lovely Bones t going to miss a lot but if you know X "q we will wait to hear from you
Darius - expected no less
Ariel - As you can t connect and tell us all todito
Darius - of course they know friends and family are my
DEBY - toy t and sending mail greetings
Darius - I'm temblandooooooo
Marcela - jajjajajajja
Diablesa Zuri - then I'll wait q t you know I'm not faithful Darius
- my tiger when I come back you and I are going to have a long talk
Zuri Diablesa - Long?? Q I do not put up with both
Darius - I'll make an honest woman of you my love
Diablesa Zuri - q aburridoooooooo
Marcela - Zuri uses men as our dary q no
kedan Zuri Diablesa - that's what kiero q
take advantage Ariel - Sassy
DEBY - q seems I'm going to be put peace q! Marcela
- Deby tranki these are smaller q q
your Darius - and you new?? Ariel
- all the same
Marcela - idem
DEBY - I m 10 at mate sake but d the other or be friends
nadaaaaaaaaa Ariel - if t serves q comfort us know you pekeñita
DEBY - you're a sun my aryyyyyy
Marzceneak - sorry to interrupt but there are things they can not wait
q Diablesa Zuri - and who is this??
Marzceneak - my devil
collector Ariel - is this a joke?? Dario are you?? Darius
- no I'm here
Marcela - who agree?
DEBY - remove it "?
Marzceneak - that's the point of eliminating
pekeñita Zuri Diablesa - Heavy hear t go where the sun do not fuck somewhere else
Marcela - this is a private confer and hackers are not welcome
Marzceneak - I'm never welcome when I committed no Death is
Darius - hey do not know how you got I'm trying kitarte and I can not porq no t do a favor and you're leaving??
Marzceneak - I'll do you a favor you just because you Dario and changed the course
Darius - hey q I am not of those to pay my respects to you but misguided Ariel
Marzceneak - Unlike Darius I in the right place and on track
Darius - Girl Is? Are "? Darius
- is left?? Is anyone ????? Guys we are?? Nocturnosss are ?????? Darius
Nobody ever heard of The Night, after seven years, Dario is looking for, has created a blog called In Search of The Night pleading for someone to give you information about your virtual family, but until today no one gave him serious track, so no one knows the Marzceneak although some bloggers told an incredible story you'd better not comment in case ...
Marzceneak Thinking by Noel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Argentina License.
Based on a work at noeliapensando.blogspot.com .
Diablesa Zuri - then I'll wait q t you know I'm not faithful Darius
- my tiger when I come back you and I are going to have a long talk
Zuri Diablesa - Long?? Q I do not put up with both
Darius - I'll make an honest woman of you my love
Diablesa Zuri - q aburridoooooooo
Marcela - Zuri uses men as our dary q no
kedan Zuri Diablesa - that's what kiero q
take advantage Ariel - Sassy
DEBY - q seems I'm going to be put peace q! Marcela
- Deby tranki these are smaller q q
your Darius - and you new?? Ariel
- all the same
Marcela - idem
DEBY - I m 10 at mate sake but d the other or be friends
nadaaaaaaaaa Ariel - if t serves q comfort us know you pekeñita
DEBY - you're a sun my aryyyyyy
Marzceneak - sorry to interrupt but there are things they can not wait
q Diablesa Zuri - and who is this??
Marzceneak - my devil
collector Ariel - is this a joke?? Dario are you?? Darius
- no I'm here
Marcela - who agree?
DEBY - remove it "?
Marzceneak - that's the point of eliminating
pekeñita Zuri Diablesa - Heavy hear t go where the sun do not fuck somewhere else
Marcela - this is a private confer and hackers are not welcome
Marzceneak - I'm never welcome when I committed no Death is
Darius - hey do not know how you got I'm trying kitarte and I can not porq no t do a favor and you're leaving??
Marzceneak - I'll do you a favor you just because you Dario and changed the course
Darius - hey q I am not of those to pay my respects to you but misguided Ariel
Marzceneak - Unlike Darius I in the right place and on track
Darius - Girl Is? Are "? Darius
- is left?? Is anyone ????? Guys we are?? Nocturnosss are ?????? Darius
Nobody ever heard of The Night, after seven years, Dario is looking for, has created a blog called In Search of The Night pleading for someone to give you information about your virtual family, but until today no one gave him serious track, so no one knows the Marzceneak although some bloggers told an incredible story you'd better not comment in case ...
Marzceneak Thinking by Noel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Argentina License.
Based on a work at noeliapensando.blogspot.com .
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