'El Viejo' and Andrade were the henchmen of Rosza

According to the revelations made by Ignacio Villa Vargas EASTERN STAR, his person and Captain Walter Andrade were confidence men killed Eduardo Rózsa Flores.
"When I joined, the master I was for about 4 months with Rózsa. I was introduced as an explosives expert MRTK former member of Peru. I never mistrusted him less Rózsa, "said 'El Viejo'.
Villa Vargas said the cell was integrated in January 2009. A few days Rózsa won the friendship and even took him to his home in Cotoca, where he introduced his family. On that occasion, one of the members took the famous photograph foreigners where they appear very jovial 'El Viejo', Eduardo Rózsa and 'Captain' Andrade.
The so-called 'key witness' was the personal driver of Rózsa, while Andrade, who would infiltrate the government in the cell, was the expert in explosive strategies, so that accompanies the group leader at all times.
Villa Ignacio said his job was to lead to "seed" to make strategic areas of Santa Cruz, to prevent a possible invasion of the peasant militias led by Fidel Surco. He noted that the key was in the Viru Viru airport, where they had planned to hunker down in case the social sectors related to MAS try to enter to the city of Santa Cruz ..
Source: LaEstrellaDelOriente.com
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