Sunday, December 27, 2009

How Long Can To Serve In The Military

Clown For You

I propose that we remain human and
That we recognize the difference
And we are in the desire to change this reality implanted
There is a place where we all reflect
The place of feelings expressed
With anger, helplessness, hope, love
We say
everyday language, each with its
with reality and experiences
But with the same goal
express in words what I have inside
Share with others a moment
and receive affection as a reward
From this place my faith grows
How close we are and what we
What a beautiful communication
not lose So much to do and secure the
And it's because we're together in this valley
Coincidence? We do not think we chose significantly
and recognizing human
we want to be supportive and hopeful

a hug for all of you bloggers, that the new year finds us as sharing experiences so far and we continue to know of this beautiful way.
Happy 2010 to all and best wishes to you


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Metal Gear 1 Rom English

Congratulations for the holidays to all my friends who visit my blog daily. A big kiss for all and fulfilling their dreams, also thanking the good comments that lack of time I can not answer individually, I love them all, Nidia ...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Perrier Water And Pregnancy

The Spirit of Christmas

always caught my eye the mess in the family were assembled to get Christmas, so Dad and I frankly preferred to pass the two quiet at home but the rest of the family always had other plans for us we could not escape, fate was bound home my aunt Heloise, dinner at home like a tradition, this would not be so bad if my aunt was not set to make his famous salad of mushrooms and rolled in God knows when mixed with plenty of mayonnaise, the worst thing was that their watchful eyes sailed across the table to see if we ate or spent their delicacies, 35 people sitting at the table, each with its indigenous contribution, which transformed a dinner in an orgy of through a variety of foods that my family owns in a peasant village, my grandmother Maruja head of the table speaking in his language as if yesterday had come from Galicia, it was the traditions that kept telling exciting stories about your boat trip and how he met my grandfather, my grandmother interrupted by the other side of course talked about his native Rome. My great uncle Ivan abroad Polish family conveniently covered by the branches of the family tree do not celebrate Christmas but just invited him as a token of goodwill among the peoples, never we got to toast with the glasses high and that the twelve us surprise ending entries and discussing politics, at that point the family was separated between left and right, abolitionist and dictators, some philosophers and other anarchists who lucky for them were far more virulent chairs (built by my aunt who knows where the wind blows), change the world was the main purpose and just end the injustices that were assembled to do some fights but for the respect that we had witnessed the great-grandmother imposed few pugilistic exhibitions, suddenly the bells announced the arrival of hope as if the real spirit is present in the midst of the endless table all raised their glasses in heartfelt toasts, all but clear that I was opening my presents. This year change of destination, we met in the house of my aunt separate the family decided it can not stay alone with their grief and bring the battalion to your home are more in number but great-grandmother is gone, but of course the true spirit Christmas remains. Noelia

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Make A Pinhole Camera From Pringles

I'm back and with prizes jajajaj


My friend's blog Caco party is because his blog turned 1 year, can go to visit there are stories to ponder and we also very beautiful images and above all find a Caco which is an excellent host. Thank you for this award is beautiful

The following awards are from the blog Mari Thanks for having me in mind! visit Mari is a lovely person as well as poet! Deadly Whispers gives me this award, I appreciate and do not know if I love to jajajaj Whispers has a story to follow closely the recounts in a way that leaves you wanting to read on the can read

My friends Sabry Sandal Kar and left me this wonderful surprise on their blogs, thank you very much girls and invite them to go through their blogs on a romantic novels can lower the other sweat a little bit jajajaj http:// /

The next award is from my friend's Degree Izzy , dear friend had never imagined that under his Santa costume, you've given something else to think about this thinker jajajajja cheeeeeeeeee is Santa! A big kiss izz and you know if you need a lawyer to go through your blog will be treated fairly!

irresistible Award comes on the heels of Sweet you have a new blog of personal stories click the name to visit! Thank you and visit.

http://labellezadelalunaeterna BLUE LADY. /
DAPHNE: FAIL http://petalosdenoche . /
Mary: Lady Marian

Friday, December 11, 2009

Red Bump Next To Dog's Butt


The material used for this blanket is Dralon knitting and crochet needle is No. 4. The ribbons are satin trim tone.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Power Catamaran Trawlers


Marzceneak, real every 7 years

Marzceneak History tells us that every 7 years appears to be 20 souls that choose carefully because no errors are allowed, the story that never takes no pure souls to those who have no salvation, however your choice is based only on those who have everything to be happy and do not dare to be, because for the pure and perfect that God and the Devil the impure for the other, for him and this intermediate is Marzceneak seventh year and has made his list ...
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Marcela expected before the computer was about to start the chat with his dear virtual friends, "The Night" as they called themselves, took with them almost 4 years, thoroughly knew their lives Dario their preferred working in a very prestigious newspaper of Mexico, the sports section, was 27 years and as always said, was a frustrated athlete who hated to be confined within four walls, in an office with the smell of snuff, but life and the famous destiny had led him to that place, he was alone, all alone, except for their virtual friends and colleagues there was no one in his life, Marcela always wondered how someone as caring and capable, life was so held, then there was Deborah's Joker a small group of 17 full Chilean energy, which bombarded with messages to all mails sent as funny as her, but Deby also had its problems had trouble making friends with people their age, too intuitive and insightful in its congeners caused like fleeing to safety from their successful deductions, everyone always advised him to shut his mouth thing that never move, a shame because she thought Marc was a bit of sun coming to life Night to fill the heat. Another member, the famous Diablesa Zuri, was lust in person, a walking encyclopedia of sex, owner of the Ecuadorian acid humor surprised everyone with his comments, there was hardly anything in this world that had not tested and to have only 25 years he was leading the group in this field, Zuri's dream was to find a good man and have children but their search is always carried in opposite direction, Marcela fantasized about joining the She-Devil with Dario, would be one partner, smiled at the thought. The last friend was his pet Ariel English for 30 years, the gothic gay as he was called The Night, full of pearcings, sensitive and beautiful, had the gift of uniting the group, never to a comment that might hurt, like to talk about their projects as well as listen to others, always intervened to bring calm when Darius Diablesa and engaged themselves in his famous literary discussions, Ariel wanted to transform his old house inherited from his parents at an art gallery and fashion, of course projects that had never to fruition and not for lack of money as it owned a respectable fortune, the problem with Ariel was in total inaction, always tried to push it all or rather throw it right to realize their wish, but so far without success. Marcela could say who had the gift of communication with friends lots of both tangible and virtual, 44 years divorced with two teenage children, worked at the stock exchange in New York, was conducting his home with the Swiss clockwork, occupied every hour of the day, leaving only one chat room for an activity that was not deprived ever because of the other, rather to live for herself that nothing. The time had
Marcela was happy come the first call, always on time course Ariel. Marcela

"Hi handsome prince Ariel
- My Queen never left alone and as m always on time! Marcela
- Customs of Old
Ariel - No way, you are beautiful as spring and always current! Marcela
- Keep it up and ask you in marriage, would be able to try again! Ariel
- q for you know would make an exception
Darius - Let's see Ariel when tastes changed ???????? Arie
l-Athlete Welcome! Q And you know I have not changed only by make and would do if you're interested ... ....... Darius
- Ariel
jajajajajaja - It's a yes?? Zuri Diablesa
- q What I was missing and formed a trio?? Marcela
- Zuri do not play the lusty novel! Where have you been these days? Zuri Diablesa
- mhhhhh in a bondage club of course! Darius
- framework for questions q! Q may be doing our devil, embroidering?? Ariel
- there's always hope
Diablesa Zuri - q you have forgotten S: E: X: O: gives no right to censor
Darius - Well Zuri we have not forgotten you rather remember him for us three
DEBY - FOUR WAVE MEAN I'M Akiiiiiiiiiii
Ariel - get our pekeña to change the subject!
DEBY - I always miss the best! Olaaaa the RKM to todosss! Ariel
- We also peke
Diablesa Zuri - Ariel Pakat q porq change the subject and this grown-up girls at her age I pa q te good story! Marcela
¬ - No more devil! Zuri Diablesa
- I speak the mother Marcela
- Well, what am
q- Ariel girls have peace
Darius - I have something to tell will surprise
Zuri Diablesa - I doubt Darius
- Pecora is not imagine
q Zuri- Diablesa q look my imagination I can surprise you
Ariel - Zury you can leave love to talk q I am interested
Diablesa Zuri - not saying anything new ariel
Marcela - Do not listen daru account'm all ears
q Darius - I have a job again !!!!! Ariel
- I moriiiiiiiiiii
Darius - because it is in a country club rugby coach Ariel
- with all those muscular ahoara
siiiiiiiiii m moriiiiiiiiii Marcela - Darioooooooo congratulate you love me very happy
Diablesa Zuri - I'm crying
Ariel - And I
eyes out Deby - q bombazooo dary
Darius - I knew they were going to cheer qc q I am also not go into my salary is better q the q had almost can not believe it even
DEBY - When start ?????? Darius
- That's the thing I have q move and good for a few days to see the facilities q I will not be able to chat
Marcela - Lovely Bones t going to miss a lot but if you know X "q we will wait to hear from you
Darius - expected no less
Ariel - As you can t connect and tell us all todito
Darius - of course they know friends and family are my
DEBY - toy t and sending mail greetings
Darius - I'm temblandooooooo
Marcela - jajjajajajja
Diablesa Zuri - then I'll wait q t you know I'm not faithful Darius
- my tiger when I come back you and I are going to have a long talk
Zuri Diablesa - Long?? Q I do not put up with both
Darius - I'll make an honest woman of you my love
Diablesa Zuri - q aburridoooooooo
Marcela - Zuri uses men as our dary q no
kedan Zuri Diablesa - that's what kiero q
take advantage Ariel - Sassy
DEBY - q seems I'm going to be put peace q! Marcela
- Deby tranki these are smaller q q
your Darius - and you new?? Ariel
- all the same
Marcela - idem
DEBY - I m 10 at mate sake but d the other or be friends
nadaaaaaaaaa Ariel - if t serves q comfort us know you pekeñita
DEBY - you're a sun my aryyyyyy
Marzceneak - sorry to interrupt but there are things they can not wait
q Diablesa Zuri - and who is this??
Marzceneak - my devil
collector Ariel - is this a joke?? Dario are you?? Darius
- no I'm here
Marcela - who agree?
DEBY - remove it "?
Marzceneak - that's the point of eliminating
pekeñita Zuri Diablesa - Heavy hear t go where the sun do not fuck somewhere else
Marcela - this is a private confer and hackers are not welcome
Marzceneak - I'm never welcome when I committed no Death is
Darius - hey do not know how you got I'm trying kitarte and I can not porq no t do a favor and you're leaving??
Marzceneak - I'll do you a favor you just because you Dario and changed the course
Darius - hey q I am not of those to pay my respects to you but misguided Ariel
Marzceneak - Unlike Darius I in the right place and on track
Darius - Girl Is? Are "? Darius
- is left?? Is anyone ????? Guys we are?? Nocturnosss are ?????? Darius

Nobody ever heard of The Night, after seven years, Dario is looking for, has created a blog called In Search of The Night pleading for someone to give you information about your virtual family, but until today no one gave him serious track, so no one knows the Marzceneak although some bloggers told an incredible story you'd better not comment in case ...


Creative Commons License
Marzceneak Thinking by Noel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Argentina License.
Based on a work at .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Clairol Red Intensifier Reviews

Friends Awards

're elusive as a soap bubble

of volatile and transient and

A jumps you're going after

juggling and balance

We are all part of this circus

of laughter and tears

of love and disappointment

of actors and spectators

Tan some are unknown to

so indifferent to others you become

Until the day you choose Release

and a backpack worth of regrets

and worth the relentless pursuit

Amnestic forget everything at that moment

full of such temporary

jubilant of delicious sensations

greedy act on stage

knowing that the curtain come down

and we will return to the search script

let us try again


Creative Commons License
Happiness by Noelia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Argentina License .
Based on a work at .

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Antarctica Herbivores


This surprise me DAPHNE gave a very talented writer and Go is nothing less than a lottery ticket, to be precise one-tenth, of course I appreciate the intention and desire to give it to me and I am a millionaire but friendly! It comes with some rules to know you have to go to the next blog which is the origin of the award, within the rules reward is only 5 blogs (this is very difficult) I WILL FOLLOW THE RULES BUT I'LL WIN MY PARTY DIVIDE BETWEEN THE REST OF THIS BLOG VIRTUAL FRIENDS OR IS WE WILL REACH FOR DRUNKENNESS JAJAJAJA AND A GOOD PARTY!


Fantasy Award: The award is recognition of those blogs by design and subject us to a healthy fantasy.
"Fantasy is a natural human activity that does not destroy or offends reason, unlike the more sharp and clear is the reason he will be able to produce good fantasy, which is very positive and even heroic." JRR Tolkien
This pleasant surprise gave me the blog FHER invite you to visit is very cool and great reading!

The Challenge: It comes from GARA and I'll do it gladly and also invite you to visit because he writes very well and is lovely!

Challenge Questions:

How do you define yourself in three words? Persevering, faithful, affectionate

What color do you like and why? Black, white and red. I like
What do you fear? to cockroaches jajaja

What would you do? End injustice

These two awards and Angel Angelic Guarda come from the hands of MARI a loving person, caring and very Amigans, I invite you to their blog for their stories and foremost for her.

latter award was given to me ANOUNA as a parting gift she leaves town for a while that I hope will be short
The name of the prize is VALUE
I want to deliver this award for valor, and that each and every one of us warriors in one way or another and for being there, fighting side by side, I would like to recall in a special way to your inner value "

5 AWARDS ARE: Relena

How Do I Give Myself A Atomi

These garments are woven knit with acrylic and No. 3 needles. The decorations are made with satin ribbons and little flowers contrasting.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Marks On Lcd Screen

The saints of the siesta

never forget the summers when we left the city and went with dad to the field of olive trees, afternoon siestas or those engaged in the greatest mischief with my friends, we were a trio inseparable and sometimes a quartet when joined Jasmin concealed from her parents rarely let her get together with kids who were not of their religion, to be exact none in our group worship the same god, Judith waiting for the Messiah, Peter did not believe in anything because his parents were hippies, Jasmine prayed towards Mecca and I learned the Creed, us little we care about these beliefs, what united us in the nap were the adventures we lived and that afternoon shocked the people of La Virgen del Valle. Had long without rain and a strange plague affecting the olive groves, Pancha an old healer who healed vicar behind the fields, maintained that HUILA a kind of giant snake was retaliating because the man had killed their food from field rats and that the only way to end this demon was sought in the stream of holy water and throw Grimoldi, needless to say that that was our mission that afternoon, armed with our charms ranging from my teddy bear my mother's last gift to silver coins with Jasmine gave a kind of roll with sacred words, Peter marbles bringing luck and a blue ribbon as Judith was magical, say that the only thing missing was the holy water, that was an issue to resolve because the church was closed at this time is that nobody would think of going to pray in full sun and with a temperature of 47 ° C only us immune beings and endowed with supernatural strength could go out, the idea was that Pedro climb onto a small balcony and entered the church, fill a bottle with holy water and return to us, the problem was that Pedrito weighed more than a barrel of olives and between the three would have to hold to climb, the fat was our sex-symbol object of our passions and chaste kisses behind the olive, the poor had no character and did what we always said Three attempts to get Pedrucho cost us in the church and as expected came back with the full bottle, we went on our bikes heading to the stream to cope with the Huila, Pancha applaud as he did to get that out but we did not see it, we thought maybe we were on the wrong side, not to walk about 500 meters decided to jump across the creek, it seemed that the distance to the other side was low and taking career circumvented, first I was, I liked to jump without problems and got my shoes wet, Judith followed me Pedrucho was third but his marbles brought him no luck, he fell in the exact middle of the stream in a bellyful spectacular, so much noise Huila upset he decided to appear at that time floating toward the big waters of our love, we cry dams hysteria, froze Jasmine the other side and we ran to the shed blame the laborers for help, two men came in the midst of tears we tell the fate of our Pedrito, in a few moments together a game that armed his way to the scene, all awoke from a nap just missing the news, Jasmine's father grabbed his head in the middle of prayers in another language, my father looked at me with promises of hell on earth, only Judith's mother embraced us by way of consolation, to reach destination image was from another world, the bikes were in the stream crushing the Huila, the fat soaked to the bone was sitting next to Jaz, had been killed the demon sacrificing bikes, ended the curse or almost because what we thought was a calf Huila drowned, but I swear it rained all the next day, something had served our trip, but learned that happiness is not complete in this life because Our parents separated us preventing our friendship, Huila had retaliated. Noelia

Creative Commons License
a nap Saints by Noelia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Argentina License .
Based on a work at .

How To Put Tilt On A Lacrosse Helmet

Finde Precious Awards! International Day Against

gave me this hug blog Mari girlfriend was delighted receipt abracera jajjaja am a girl and I invite you to visit your blog full of written beautiful and supportive.

Deadly Whispers surprised me with this award which I love, the doll is beautiful! she can visit her there can read many things and among them the story of a vampire Marcus they recommend.

The ecantadora Arwen left this award made me very happy if you do not know and can visit in will read beautiful poems and view images haunted.

The most beautiful is now! pass it on to other blogs, from and three awards are for: VERONICA
YURILUNA http://yuriluna / BLUE LADY
ANABEL: PANDORA http://lacajadepandora-mharluy.blogspot . com / ROSI
KAR Y Sabry
MARA Adilene
BASTIAN http://morharadrim . /

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting Pregnant Games Online Free

"Now you have the power to do what you Victoria?
-painting my nails
"That's all you can think of?
-fix my hair, shopping
-Anything else?
"The most urgent need is to look good, we is not under me, once I feel okay with me begin with the radical changes. "Aaaah
I like that tell me something about these changes
"Now I'm not a goddess? Then cut off every man on earth
"Not a bit extreme? "You're right
leave some, will select the best, the fittest, those who know how to treat women in every way, let the best lovers, most inspired poets, all men who can see the content and not just The continent also will sift them for any violent nature perish thus eliminating this gene.
- But Vicky will be very few and we are many!
-learn how to share after all and we did just that in illegality, will now be legal.
"And what of us? What changes will you do?
-Dolores any course if we are perfect, the problem began with the operator clear how man gave all the advantages to them, now we have the best jobs, win more, we can do any task you can think of, we are the majority in this it is time the world noticed.
Victoria "If you let me believe that we have some responsibility in this, let pass many things, you know what bothers us is that life that we sacrificed gene, that leads us to suffer in silence, which leads a end to end, we are very emotional, always protecting, we are very confident and also are not very loyal among us, do not forget we raise their young, maybe we could start there and the balance would tip in our favor. "Right Dolores
remove the gene and end the silence and shame to cry what makes us suffer, hey want to change your name? "I'd call
-Done and now we're going to take something to that bar that opened near the plaza, I think this skirt combined with my shirt? "If it hits
also the color goes wonderfully with your skin, we could go to the cinema to see the latest Vargas I cried profusely, saying that the castle became the lolas and has so much Botox that does not recognize it nor its Mother, lend the PC I'll pass the sales report and I am free and then call home to see if the kids did their homework, Mark has to raise the note in passing math and tell him I left the hot dinner meal prepared, I hope we get time to film and have enough space for parking. "Happiness
forget we have the power!
"It's true I will never forget. Noelia

Creative Commons License
Victoria and Happiness by Noelia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License .
Based on a work at .